Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Turning Point....?

Check it out:

British citizen Sarah Colborne’s eyewitness account on Mavi Marmara and ordeal as a ‘prisoner’. What happened in international waters on last May 31st can be considered as a wake up call to the world. 32 countries are involved in sending the humanitarian aid to Gaza and surely they will not simply keep quiet like Obama and his sitting duck gang.

Inilah kerja bangsa yang loves to lie systematically dan menganggap mereka bangsa terpilih, bercita-cita membina Haikal Sulaiman di tapak Al-Aqsa, mahu membina negara besar dunia di Israel dan menunggu kedatangan Al-Maseh (Dajjal)

The 31st May incident is a turning point for Israel’s act of severe & recurring act of state terrorism and blatant violation of international law with the US conspicuously failed to follow the rest of the world in condemning the regime. It seems Tel Aviv prefer to be out of sync with the rest of the world, and not just its enemies.

Is it ‘payback’ time dan Yahudi laknatullah akan mula menerima padah ke atas apa yang telah mereka lakukan selama ini?

While at this, have you ever wondered why the US still giving tons of financial aid and ammunitions to Israel until today even though Washington is also a victim of the regime’s terrorist attacks, starting with Lavon affair in the 1950s, attack on USS Liberty in 1967, Pollard Spy Case , etc, etc….

Have a look at this video clip:

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